Welcome to the Labscope Operation and Pattern Interpretation Training class.
This class will range from the novice to advanced users. It will cover a wide aspect of labscope operation but more important actual diagnostics. It is not based on one type of manufacture.
Note: We are supplying Labscopes for the hands on portion of this class. You are welcome to bring your own Labscope to class.
Course Outline
- Basic Labscope
- Analog vs. Digital
- Data update rates
- 1, 2, 4 channel labscopes
- Scope Operation
- Valid patterns
- Manipulating the Time Base
- Manipulation the Volt/ Divisions
- Triggering
- Slope and its advantages
- Auto vs. Manual set-ups
- Diagnosing with a Labscope
- Sensor testing including wide Band 02
- Amps Probe
- Vacuum Transducer
- Primary ignition
- Secondary Ignition
- Fuel injector
- COP Ignition
- Can Network
- Pressure/ Vacuum
- Tips & Tricks
- Pattern Library
- Expense vs. Time Savings
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