INJ-149 Nissan-Infinity-OBD II

IN THIS COUSRE WE ARE INTODUCING THE NISSAN / INFINITI VEHICLE LINE. WE WILL EXPLORE THE OPERATIONS AND DIAGNOSITICS OF THIS GROWING MANUFACTURE. The course will cover 1996 and newer Nissans. With the Import market being the largest growing market sector, automotive service centers must expand the technical knowledge base for their customer demands.


  1. Introduction
  2. Acronyms & DTC's
  3. Overview - Diagnostics - Scanner & Non-scanner process Normality vs Rationality
  4. Miscellaneous - Recalls & Tech-tips
  5. Electrical systems - Inputs & Outputs
  6. Ignition System(s) Overview
  7. Fuel Injection System(s) Overview
  8. Driveability Overview
  9. Emission Control Systems Overview
  10. Glossary

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Injectronics Training
50 McAuley Road Clandeboye, Manitoba R0C0P0
Phone: +1 (204) 228-8060