Sport utilities vehicles continue to be the vehicle of choice for many consumers. Chrysler/Jeep produces a number of models to meet the SUV demand. Both for Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Liberty have captured a notable percentage of the SUV market.
The course will highlight the engine, injection and electrical features of the Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Jeep Liberty. Some features are unique to Jeep while others are found in similar Chrysler vehicles. Both the electrical and injection feature that are unique to Jeep and those used in other Chrysler vehicles will be covered in class.
This course will cover primarily 1999 and newer Grand Cherokees as well as 2002 and newer Jeep Libertys. Some references will be made to older systems and some references will be made to the very new electrical changes.
- Introduction
- Acronyms
- Overview
- Electrical Architecture
- Engine Mechanical Highlights 3.7, 4.7, 4.7HO, 4.0, 2.4
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