With the ever increasing competition in the truck market, the 2007 model year Silverado and Sierra trucks were the first major change for GM since 1999. These trucks are a total redesign from the wheels up. All new body, suspensions systems, transmission changes, and upgraded engine technology give this truck a new life in the truck market.
In this class we look at the 07-10 1500 “GMT-900” as a number of changes have occurred in the 2011 model. We will look at the systems and how the operate and issues when they fail we will also look at the problem issues related to this truck.
This is the first part of a two part course in this first class we will look at mechanical systems and there faults.
Note: Not all options are available on all engines or truck platforms. CAR ENGINES ARE DIFFERENT ESPECIALLY THE CORVETTE ENGINE --A BREED OF ITS OWN.
- Introduction
- Base Engine Features, 4.8l, 5.3l, 6.0l, and 6.2L
- Variable Valve Timing Operations & Diagnostics
- Mechanical Issues & Repairs
- Older Engine Issues & Repairs
- Front Differential Issues & Repairs
- Transmission Issues & Repairs
- Brake Issues & Repairs
- Alignment Requirements
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